Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Brief History of Gravity

A Brief History of Gravity

It filled Gallileo with mirth
To watch his two stones fall to Earth
"Their rates are the same,"
He gladly proclaimed,
"And quite independent of girth!"

Then Newton declared in due course
His own law of Gravity's force,
"It goes, I declare,
As the inverted square
Of the distance from object to source."

Next Einstein revealed his equation
Which succeeds to describe gravitation
As spacetime that's curved
And it's this that will serve
As the planets' unique motivation.

But the end of the story's not written,
By a new way of thinking we're smitten.
We twist and we turn
Attempting to learn
The Superstring Theory of Witten.

Taken from: http://limerickdb.com/?380

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Google blooper ,yet again

Wow, not even in my dreams did I imagine that my article on MRAM would turn out to be a search result for...

Ladies and Gentlemen, hold your breadth ...only Google can relate MRAM with the search term...

"find out who i will be with in the future"

C'mon Mr.GOOG, that's way too funny.

Long time ago, I thought that this was the problem only with Google Ads alongside the search results.(Refer: here)

Look out for more blooper updates, and comments from friends :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

WinTransXP going Open Source

"WinTransXP will be going Open Source". Announcement was made about last week, which would be 13th Feb or so.

I think I will continue developing ,guessing that the software is written in Autohotkey.

The licensing has not yet been decided.

Will update when the source code is released.

Download WinTransXP here.

Monday, February 04, 2008

A new form of advertising: Pay Per Play

Well, this was very interesting and such a late post by me is pitiful.

A few days back ,I received a mail from John Wasilewski about a new form of advertising that would ensure 100% on my traffic and for further information I contact him.

We have a new media source that is 66,000 advertisers strong and we are interested in opening up ad space on any websites that you control without taking up any of your web page real estate.

We will do this by serving a "single" 5 second audio advertisement to website visitors on any and every page of your websites where it would be appropriate for a visitor to hear a 5 second audio ad.

These ads are extremely professional. Best of all the ads will be related to the content of each web page of your website.

Our advertisers will buy ad plays on your website for each of your visitors. In essence you will be paid on a CPM basis and the effective CPM that you receive will be determined by our automated bid management system. This bidding system will always work to ensure that you are getting the highest effective CPM possible.

Bids will vary from market to market.

Test this on some of your web properties. The code that calls the 5 second audio ad is a simple javascript code that you paste anywhere between the <body></body> tags of any web page where it is appropriate for visitors to hear an audio ad.

No web page real estate is consumed. The ad is invisible and is only heard.

This form of advertising is known as Pay-Per-Play and can add a substantial amount of revenue to your bottom line without acquiring additional traffic.

To hear some sample ads ,follow this link:


They officially soft launched on 1st of February.

I think this is very promising. Infact the support and the follow ups were simply amazing.

Sign up here

I temporarily removed my Google Adsense too. Look forward for more template changes.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

WindowsTransparency XP :The smallest transparency software ever

Welcome to WinTransXP. Less than half an MB, this is the smallest transparency software I've got to use.

Well, this site(or blog, whatever you wanna call it) will be the official support site for this software.

Official Site:

Download the program from here:

Written by Bharat Kumar Molleti, this is now in Version 1.5 .Quite some bugs were solved since Version 1.1 but some are yet to be resolved. Bug Reports would be greatly appreciated.

Mail me here.