Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Psi faqs Part 1: "Cannot enable SSL/TLS. Plugin not found"

All you guys using Linux must have heard of Gaim, Kopete ,etc. One among these and one of my favorites is Psi.

Nicely named ,this is simpler and offers more than what Gaim does.

The purpose of this post ,however ,is just to help out guys out there who are(going to) facing(face) problems setting this kid up.

Firstly, a reading of "How do I configure Psi for Google Talk? " on Google Talk Help would definitely help.

That aside, one problem that users generally face is when you check the "Use SSL encryption(to server)" box, an error message pops up saying "Cannot enable SSL/TLS. Plugin not found" .Now, what do you do?

The answer, which I did a lot of Googling and some hunt in the local repository (I use Ubuntu and IIT Kharagpur does have a 'local mirror' for that) is to install libqca-tls, qca-tls, libqca-ssl or qca-ssl package. One of these would do.

And if you are very new to Linux, here is how you go about installing it from your repository.

apt-get install libqca-tls

If not successful, replace libqca-tls with one of the given packages till you get your lucky one

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